Training options

Before embarking on your fitness journey, it’s essential to ensure your safety and optimize your training experience. We begin with an exercise pre-screening process, designed to assess your readiness for training. This step allows us to identify any potential risks or limitations and tailor your program accordingly. You can access the Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System (APSS) User Guide here.

Next, I take the time to understand your unique motivations, challenges, and goals. Through a comprehensive questionnaire, we delve into what drives you to exercise and any potential barriers you may face. This valuable insight helps me create a personalized profile for you, guiding the development of a tailored training program.

Furthermore, I conduct functional movement and postural assessments to evaluate your movement patterns and identify any postural irregularities. These assessments provide crucial insights into your mobility and stability, enabling me to customize your program with appropriate regressions or progressions. By addressing any movement limitations or imbalances, we can ensure your safety and effectiveness in reaching your goals.

In certain cases, referral to a physiotherapist or general practitioner may be necessary to obtain clearance before commencing exercise. Pending consultation with these professionals, your program may be adjusted accordingly to support your safe and effective rehabilitation process, ensuring you can confidently progress towards your fitness objectives.


Experience personalized fitness guidance tailored to your unique goals and needs with one-on-one training sessions. I provide individualized attention, ensuring every workout is optimized for maximum results.

With dedicated support and motivation, you’ll receive expert guidance, accountability, and encouragement every step of the way. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter routines and hello to a customized fitness journey designed specifically for you.

Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned athlete, one-on-one training sessions offer the personalized attention you need to achieve your fitness goals efficiently and effectively.

Partner/buddy training

Elevate your fitness journey with partner or buddy training sessions, where the power of camaraderie meets results-driven workouts. Training alongside a friend or loved one not only adds an element of fun but also fosters accountability and support

Together, you’ll motivate each other to stay on track, push through challenges, and celebrate achievements. The sessions will be designed to maximize your efforts, combining tailored workouts with the added boost of friendly competition.

Whether you’re seeking increased motivation, consistency, or simply enjoy working out with a companion, partner/buddy training offers a dynamic and effective approach to reaching your fitness goals

Semi private

Experience the best of both worlds with our semi-private training sessions, combining personalized attention with the energy of a small group dynamic. In these sessions, you’ll train alongside a select group of individuals, benefiting from tailored workouts designed to meet your unique goals.

I will ensure each participant receives individualized guidance while fostering a supportive community atmosphere. With a focus on technique, progress tracking, and mutual encouragement, our semi-private sessions offer the ideal blend of personalized attention and group motivation.

Whether you seek accountability, enjoy the camaraderie of training with others, or thrive in a social setting, semi-private training is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals effectively and enjoyably.

Semi private is for small groups up to four participants.